Storytelling. Strategy. Spirit.
Working at the Crossroads of Spirit, Action, & Transformation

I launched Ìyá Global – my platform dedicated to storytelling, spirituality, and political strategy in 2020 – as an offering to those moved to action by a political charge or an ancestral calling.
Today, my work spans continents, disciplines, and traditions, embodying an unwavering commitment to supporting individuals and organizations on their sojourns to making the world
a better, and more just place.
Jeanette Charles-Márquez
Jeanette Charles Márquez, (she/her) is a proud daughter of the Haitian Diaspora and German working-class immigration, born and raised in Los Angeles. She is a doctoral candidate and Fulbright Fellow in Afro-Atlantic, Latin American and the Caribbean History at the University of California, Los Angeles where she also received her MA. She is lead producer of the forthcoming documentary Salsa, un tumbao’ caribeno (post) for which she was awarded the Women in Film (WIF) Creative Documentary Producer Fellowship for 2023-2024. Her other projects include: Mas Salsa Que Podcast (production), Spirit & Liberation Podcast (pre-production) and We Rise, Docu-Report (completed).
Jeanette is also a long-time international solidarity activist and delegation coordinator, community organizer, language justice interpreter, writer/editor, and independent journalist (in print, radio, and television). Additionally, she has experience in program management, non-profit development and grant-writing, as well as strategic planning design. Jeanette is a certified life coach and the founder of Ìyá Global. Her signature program “In Spirit & In Struggle” is a collective coaching container that bridges African and Indigenous cosmological teachings with lessons in liberatory political practice.

Coaching & Leadership Development
Lean into your power with clarity and purpose. My coaching integrates spirituality along with practical tools to help you develop as a leader and visionary. Coaching is available for individuals and teams.
Historical Research & Archival
I provide support on research designs, archival strategies, and offer workshops on a wide variety of subjects. At every step, I honor the integrity of the stories you and your projects seek to tell, document, and archive.
Language Justice
Production & Storytelling
Every story is sacred. Whether you’re creating a documentary or designing another multimedia project, I help you to craft stories that resonate deeply and are values aligned.
International Exchanges
Strategic consulting for individuals, organizations, and other institutions seeking alignment with purpose and liberation - bridging vision with action.
Areas include: strategic planning, development, and programs alignment among others.
Guarantee language equity through interpretation, translation, and other access strategies. I support you in creating spaces where all voices are valued and heard.
I curate and bring to life transformative travel exchanges that bridge culture, spirit, and solidarity fostering global connection.
Contact Ìyá Global
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